Corrections to:

Page Correction
2 Text Pu29: The fronst wasn't grey back deep black.
12 ... es waren dies die Strecken Stettin – Köslin – Stolp [Wejherowo] – Neustadt [Wejherowo] – Danzig [Gdańsk] ...

... und auch die südlich aus Posen [Poznań] kommende Strecke ...

... eine Verbindung nach Jablonowo (ab 1903: Goßlershausen) [Jabłonowo Pomorskie] ...
13 ... Büzow [Bytów] – Berent ...

... Schöneck [Skarszewy] – Hohenstein [Pszczółki] ...

... Ost–West–Strecke Lissa [Leszno] – Kroben [Krobia] – Kobylin – Krotoschin [Krotoszyn] – Ostrowo [Ostrów] ...
14 ... Kankel [Kąkolewo] – Gostyn [Gostyń] – Jarotschin ...

... Grätz – Luban [Luboń] ...

Schrodaer Krb. (1902, überwiegend schmalspurig)
15 ... mit dem Abzweig Ustron – Golleschau [Goleszów] (1888).

... Niepolomice [Niepołomice] ...
16 In the map: Correct name is "Zawada" (not Zawadna)
17 ... von Zagórzany nach Gorlice ...
18 ... Tlumacz – Tlumacz Stadt [Pałahicze – Tłumacz] ...
19 ... die „Weichsel–Eisenbahn“ [poln: Kolej Nadwiślańska, russ: Privislan’skaja Zhelesnaja Daroga Privislanski / Vistula Eisenbahn] ...

... Suwałki – Raczki – Olecko (Oletzko) (in Ostpreußen) ...
22 ... im russischen Südostpolen erobert.
23 Below "Królewszczyzna – Głębokie" add as new Bullet the line "Łuck – Stojanów".
24 Delete: "Eine letzte von Warschau ausgehende Neubaustrecke führte in Richtung Südwesten und diente dem verbesserten Anschluß Oberschlesiens: Warszawa (Warschau) – Grodzisk (1928)" The line belonged to the private railway "Warschauer Zufuhrbahn".

... Kutno – Łęczyca – Ozorków – Zgierz (1925) ...
25 Delete "Im Raum Posen wurde schließlich noch das Netz mit der Strecke Środa Śląska (Schroda) – Środa Śl. Miejska (1926) abgerundet, und".
Add the following lines:
- Woropajewo – Druja (1932)
- Porzecze – Druskienniki (1934)
- Kostopol - Janowa Dolina (1930-39)
29 ... („Eisenbahnen“, Zheleznyie Dorogi) ...
38 The locomotives mentioned in the "Wiesbaden Contract" have evidently not been included in the 549 transferred locomotives, but were instead handed over later. See also the comments regarding p. 43.
43 Table 15: In the meantime an official list of the armistice locomotives transferred to Poland showed up (thanks to Mr. Maribon and Mr. Wenzel). Based on this document the table must be corrected as follows:
- BSL 5363 must be BSL 5366.
- Accidently given in the table are: BLN 5179, ERF 5282, HAL 4973, HAL 5169, HAL 5183, POS 4952, STN 4973, STN 5158, STN 5273. These locos must have been transferred to Poland in a different way - presumably they were locos handed over due to the "Wiesbaden Contract" (compare comments related to page 38). The reason for the different number (9 compared to 8) couldn't yet be found.
- Missing are: MST 5371, MST 5664, MST 5668, MST 5669, MST 5673, MST 5674, MST 5675, MST 5676, MST 5677, MST 5679.
43 Table 15: BSL 5363 must be BSL 5366.
47 Tab. 18: First line, column 6: Replace "108" by "106".
50 At "P", "O" and "T": "Parowóz" (3 x)
58 The photo at the bottom is from the collection of Günter Lichte
60 Tab. 27: "TKi3" and "OKl11".
61 Tab. 28: delete TKh3.
65 Tab. 30: Tp102-5 was D n2v, Tr11-124 was 1D n2v
66 Tab. 34: Pk1-30 was 2C h4, OKi2-1 was 1C h2t, TKi3-12,29 were 1C n2t
67 ... bei den neuen Bahnverwaltungen (Zheleznyie Dorogi (Zh.D.) ...
... Bielostotskaja ...
68 Pn11: 1C2 n4v, Ol12: 1C1 h2(v)
71 Table 38: Add Pd2-4, Pd14-7, Od1-9, Ti11-10, Tp15-11, Tp15-138, TKi3-173, remove Ti11-19, Tp15-146, TKi3-181. 
77 ... do odtworzonego wykazu ... 
78 CFOA: Chemins de Fer Ottomans-Anatolie

CLB: No "-" between "Carl" and "Ludwig".

EAB: No "-" between "Erzherzog" and "Albrecht".

Please add: "DR-Ost" = "Deutsche Reichsbahn - Ostbahn"

JDZ: Jugoslovenske ...
79 LVD: Latvijas Valsts Dzelzcels

MPS: Ministerstvo Putej Soobschtschenia
80 Yush: Yuschnije Schelesnije Dorogi

ZhD: Schelesnij Dorog
85 The picture shows (unfortunately) an Od2 and no Pd1.
85 Correct entry of Pd1-32: Unio 99/ 1001 BRO 228 ** L1059 Pd1-32 ...
86 Pd1-88 - column 6: "MÁV 201,001" / DRB"
87 Delete line of BRO 228.
98 Image text: "... 1918 in Polen, war als Reihe Pe101 vorgesehen und ..."
100 Image text: "... Bei der PKP wurden die Lokomotiven dieser Bauart vermutlich als Pf2 eingereiht."
101 Pf12, line 7/8: ... von Pf12-1, Pf12-2, Pf12-12 und Pf12-19 hergeleitet werden.
114 Pt31-74: Delete "DRB".
115 Text Pu29: The front wasn't grey but deep black.

Od1, line 3: ... die Umzeichnung in Od1 erlebten ...
123 Image text top:  "... Reihe 25 der kkStB ..."
125 Od2-19, column 6: "+10.02.38 / NKPS / DRB 36 511"
127 Od2-72, column 6: "DRB 36 492 / +26.05.44", column 7: Clear.

Od2-76, column 6: "NKPS / DRB [36 520]"
  Od2-78, column 6: "LG 153" K4.2 / NKPS / DRB", column 7: "?"
128 Od2-91, column 7: "PKP Od2-41"
132 Od102, line 2: "... und da sie im Merkbuch von 1927 enthalten war, im Bestand von 1931 aber fehlte, ist nicht gesichert, daß sie tatsächlich in Od102-1 umgezeichnet wurde."

Od102, table: In column 4 delete "Od102-1".
134 Oi1-19, column 6: "LG 106 K6 / NKPS / DR-Ost"
137 The photo is from the collection of Krzysztof Górnicki.
139 Ok1-54, column 7: "MPS Ок1-54"
142 Ok1-183, Spalte 6: "NKPS / D.Wm."
144 Ok1-255, column 6: "NKPS / DRB 38 3897"
145 Ok22, second paragraph, line 2: (FPK)
154 Ol12-2, column 7: MPS 35.349
155 Image text: Bw Rzeszow
158 Ol 101: 1'C 1' h2
  Ol 101 - second line in the table: Char 13/ 1950, column 2: "Yu-Za S 860"
161 Os24-8, column 6: "NKPS [10] / D.Wm"
178 Second line: "... folgender neun Reihen ..."
179 kkStB 149.30 is WrN 68/ 605
180 kkStB 53.45 is WrN 87/ 3171
188 The photo is from the collection of Günter Lichte
189 kkStB 46.19 is Sigl 72/ 1348
191 kkStB 56.152 is Flor 95/ 988
194 Th24-61, column 6: "NKPS"
197 At the bottom: "(Betr.Nr. 64 und 68) ..."
199 At Ti1-14, column 6: +24.06.38 / NKPS / DR-Ost

At Ti1-19, column 6: +09.02.38 / NKPS / DR-Ost
201 Image text: ... Ti2-21 ...
202 Ti2-63 is Hart 04/ 2894
204 Ti3-16, Spalte 6: "NKPS / DR-Ost"
209 Ti4-132, column 6: "DRB +31.08.40"
210 Ti4-175, column 6: "NKPS / DRB [54 1222]"
213 Ti11-53: Flor 06/ 1672

Ti11-63: kkStB 260.223 is BMMF 08/ 248
214 Ti12-29 - 39 were former 60.54 (StEG 98/ 2640), 60.56, 60.57, 60.58, 60.62, 60.64, 60.65, 60.67, 60.69, 60.70, 60.71. 60.82 became Ti12-157.
217 Ti12-124, column 7: MPS Ти12-124
218 Ti12-157 - columns 1-2: "WrN 99/ 4213", "kkStB 60.82 ***"
220 Bauart: 1'C h2
All kukHB class 860 locomotives were built by Borsig (for Henschel) - the works numbers were "Bors 16/ 9152-9171". So all locomotives of this class carried two works numbers - one by Henschel and one by Borsig. The locomotives that came to PKP had the Borsig numbers 9152, 9164 und 9165.
225 Tp1-40 - column 6: DRB [55 109"]
229 Tp1-138 - column 7: CSD 423.1504 / PKP Tp1-84
230 Tp2-40 - column 6: "NKPS"
232 Tp2-83 - column 6: "NKPS / DR-Ost". Column 7: "DB".
233 Tp2-124 - column 7: "MPS 55.869"

Tp2-127 - column 6: "+10.07.39 / NKPS"
234 Image text, last line: "... Przedsiębiorstwa ..."
235 Tp2-195 - column 6: "LG 367 P7.2 / NKPS / DRB 55 853" ". column 7: "DB / MKB 31"
249 Tp4-258 - column 6: "NKPS / DR-Ost"
251 Tp4-325 - column 6: "DRB 55 3226" ", column 7: "PKP Tp4-201".
255 The last Tp5 was Tp5-7, not Tp57.
262 Tp15-36 - column 7: "CSD 414.0506 / CSD 414.094" "
263 Image text: "... weilten die 59.126 und 73.337 ..."
265 Tp15-133 - column 7: Not to PKP.

Tp15-138 - column 7: "CSD" (delete 414.0123)
267 Tp15-185 - column 7: "CSD 414.0503 / CSD 414.0123"
268 Tp15-219 - column 7: "CSD 414.0505 / CSD 414.0122"
269 Only locomotives 174.01-02 and 174.500-510 were delivered with Brotan boiler.
270 A photo shows the locomotive "PKP OD 1985". So the identity of at least one locomotive of the class Tp101 is known now.
272 Tp102-17 - column 6: "+05.02.38"
276 Tp104-92 - column 6: "NKPS OB 104.92 / ..."
284 Tr11-67, column 7: "PKP"
286 Tr11-111 - 114: Built in 1917.
287 ...Warschau 58 weitere Lokomotiven dieser Bauart. Die ersten drei Warschauer Maschinen trugen auch die Wiener Neustadt-Fabriknummern 5725-5727; sie waren wohl in Einzelteilen nach Polen geliefert worden. Nach 1925...
289 Tr12 - 57-60: Built in 1921.
290 Tr12 - 61-65: Built in 1921.

Tr12-74/75: The preliminary numbers 4001-4002 are doubtable at the later Tp4-410/411 had the same numbers.

Tr12-85 - column 6: "NKPS"Tr12-96 - column 6: "NKPS"

Tr12-96 - column 6: "NKPS"
292 Tr12-134 - column 6: "NKPS / DR-Ost"

Tr20 headline: Replace "PKP Neubau" by "USA-Neubau".
293 Tr20-16 - column 7: "SNCF" instead "DB"
296 Tr20-100 - column 7: "SNCF" instead "DB"
298 Tr21: The first 18 locomotives were completely manufactured by StEG and delivered to Chrzanów, where presumably only final adjustments were done. Tr21-19 - 36 were actually delivered in parts. All 36 locomotives also received Chrzanów works numbers (1-36).
299 Tr21-10 - column 7: "DR / PKP Tr21-96"
300 Tr21-43 - column 7: "DR / PKP Tr21-99"

Tr21-50 - column 7: "DR / PKP Tr21-101"
302 Tr21-83 - column 7: "DR / PKP Tr21-97"
303 Tr21-114 - column 7: "DR / PKP Tr21-98"
311 Tw1-19,20: built in 1914
314 Tw11-4 - column 1: "Flor 05/ 1608"

Picture text: "Die 180.501 war die zweite mit einem Dampftrockner ..."
320 Text, line 3: "... noch eine Dreizylinder-Güterzuglokomotive im Bestand."
321 Text, last paragraph: FPK (2 x)

Ty23-18 - column 7: "CSD"
322 Ty23-30 - column 6: "NKPS"
325 Ty23-123 - column 6: "DRB / CFR 150.901", column 7: "CFR"

Ty23-138 - column 6: "NKPS / DR-Ost"
326 Ty23-162 - column 6: "NKPS / DRB 58 2771"
327 Ty23-191 - column 7: "/ PKP" streichen.

Ty23-193 - column 7: "CFR"
332/333 The wrong drawing (from p. 341) - this Ty23 drawing is the correct one:

335 Ty23-453 - column 7: "CFR"
339 Ty23-665 - column 6: "NKPS"
342 Image text: "... Gattungsbezeichnung OKc1."

OKd1: Also mentioned it the class OKe2 for the T52 - see table on page 53.
343 According to Schadow four OKe1 became in 1942 DRB 71 7001-7004. It is unknown, if this renumbering actually happened. It is also not known, which OKe should get which class 71 number. 

Image below: The picture was taken on June 10th 1943 by Johannes Töpelmann in Bialystok.
347 OKl1 headline: 1'C 1' n2t
Add at the end of the first paragraph: "Ab 1908 wurden die Lokomotiven in Zwillingsmaschinen umgebaut".
350 OKl27, last paragraph, line 1: FPK
356 At OKl101-10 the columns "+ / 1939-45" must be corrected: "DRB +39/40".
356 The wrong picture - repeated from page 151. It should have been this one:

357 OKm11-10 is missing: "KrKi 22/ 1289", "PKP 7010 **", "", "OKm11-10", "5429", "NKPS / DR-Ost", "?".
358/359 In the last column "ab 1945": At MPS OK332 the first "3" must be a cyrillic "z".
363 Of class I TV there existed two different designs - the image shows the first design, while only locomotives of the second design came to PKP.
364 At TKh1-8: column 6: "(+ < '36), delete column 7.

At TKh1 - 14-15: "WWB 607 2" should be "WWB 607 [54]". "WWB 951 1" should be "WWB 951 [53]".
367 TKh2-12 - column 2: "KAT 6945"
368 TKh11: The locomotives TKh11-3/4/18/24/25 (built in 1907/1904/1910/1914/1914 - type unknown) were owned by the private railway Szczakowa-Bolencin, which was taken over by RBD Oppeln in 1943. Maybe all other TKh11 were also owned by private railways.
369 In the table: kkStB 97.156 ... 173: Builder is "WrN", not "Flor".
371 Lower image text: Delete "und durch die Verkleidung des Triebwerks" as related struts are also visible at locomotive POTOCKI.
375 Bildtext: "Drei Lokomotiven der Bukowinaer Lokalbahn kamen als 94.51-53 zur kkStB - die abgebildete 94.52 verblieb nach Kriegsende in Österreich, während die beiden Schwestermaschinen in Rumänien blieben. Die 94.51 wurde 1935 an die PKP übergeben und wurde zur TKh18-1."
375 TKh29: C n2t. The locomotive was built for the private railway Szczakowa-Bolencin.
383 TKi3-50 - column 7: "CSD / PKP TKi3-235"
384 TKi3-93, column 6: "LG 718 T9.3 / NKPS", column 7: "MPS TK-718"
385 TKi3-123, last column: "PKP TKi3-215"
390 TKi3-284, column 7: "PKP TKi3-176 / TKi3b-176"
391 TKi3-307, column 6: "DRB 91 933"", column 7: "PKP"

TKl10x: 1'C 1' n2vt
396 TKp12: The first entry in the table (kkStB 178.71) belongs to the end of the TKp11 table.

TKp12-5, column 7: "PKP"
399 TKp101-4, column 6: "NKPS / CCCP-Ind.", column 7: "?"
403 TKw1-21 = BMAG 13/ 5063

TKw1-23 - later PKP TKw2-128.
405 Line 6: "... von der englischen Firma Metropolitan-Vickers ..."
409 SCix 90 003, 062, line 3: "... auf der Strecke Kraków - Zakopane statt."
410 PCix 90 010: The railcar was built for the private railway Szczakowa-Bolencin.
413 SCi 90 075: 1939 to LG A11
414 SBix 90 058-060, 065:  ... "MtE" (= Motorzug-Express) ...
415 SBx 90 089: Works No. 55350
419 Upper image text: ... von "Brown Boveri" stammte.