Some words on the DR 45/46 book (2nd edition)

Ingo Hütter, Volkmar Kubitzki

Die Triebfahrzeuge der Deutschen Reichsbahn (Ost) 1945/46

Verlag Kenning, Nordhorn, 1996, 2. Auflage

ISBN 3-927587-60-5

A short description of the history of this book you will find on the page of the first edition.

When Ludger Kenning decided to publish this book, he did something quite new as all books of his publishing house deal with light railways only. That was the reason why the circulation of the first edition was quite small and every book was sold after a few month. So it was possible to create a second edition which had a layout more adapted to all other Kenning books and it was possible to correct some mistakes.

Most of the mistakes were in the part on the foreign locomotives in the DR stock. Especially identifying the french locomotives was quite hard. The SNCF was devided in several regions, and in different regions there existed locomotives with the same number. So a perfect identification was only possible if additional information on the Region (e.g. NORD or EST) were available. Another problem were writing errors - it wasn't very unusual that a 140-B-104 became a 140-C-104 or a 140-G-104. Although this second edition already contains some corrections, more corrections were found during the last year (thanks to Paul Spencer in the UK). These corrections you will find on some extra pages.

Today the book isn't available anymore, but some online shops offer used copys, e.g.: