The OHE Rolling Stock

One of the authors main interests is the locomotive history, meaning the research concerning the life and whereabout of single locomotives. Therefore writing a book about a complete railway was something very new for me - now research on the lines and the history of the railway was necessary, too. On the other hand I had the chance to write a quite detailed chapter about the OHE rolling stock. One of the main goals was to document what is really known from official sources and where are the holes in the locomotive history.

The OHE rolling stock is documented in the book with a lot of photos, but this documentation is far away from being complete. Especially the freight waggons are represented with a few pictures only. One of the goals of this online chapter is to close these holes at least a bit.

On the pages on the rolling stock (see the links below) you will find a list of all OHE vehicles. If a picture is available in the OHE book, the page number is displayed behind the vehicle number. If there are photos of OHE vehicles available, which are not published in the OHE book, a thumbnail of this picture is visible behind this number. By clicking on this thumbnail you will reach a page displaying the large picture together with some text about it.

For some vehicles the text "no picture available" is displayed. That doesn't mean necessarily that no photo is available at all. On the one hand there exist pictures, which have a too bad quality to be published, on the other hand there exist a lot of pictures where the rights for publishing lie at the author of the picture or a publisher. Nevertheless - if you have any contribution to close these holes, the author of this page will be very greatful.