Stefan Lauscher

Die Diesellokomotiven der Wehrmacht

Eisenbahn-Kurier Verlag, Freiburg, 1999

When I looked into this book the first time I had now doubt that it is an exceptional publication. Even if you collected material on these diesel locomotives and if you think that you know quite a lot on this subject, you will find out that you nearly know nothing. For the first time this book describes all the connections which havn't been visible for the standard railway enthusiast. The author also mentions all the wrong information published in the last years and gives the right data. When looking at the tables and reading the text on the fates of single locomotives the reader gets an impression how much time the author must have spend when collectiong the information for this book.

I think that it is not necessary to write anything more on this book - if you are interested in this subject you must have this book! So I would like to thank Stefan Lauscher for his work - this kind of detailled research adds a lot to your knowledge on railway history. It is a big step in the right direction!