Ingo Hütter, Oskar Pieper

Gesamtverzeichnis deutscher Lokomotiven

Teil1: Preußen bis 1906 (Band 1)

Verlag Schweers+Wall GmbH, Aachen, 1992

ISBN 3-921679-73-7
Ingo Hütter, Oskar Pieper

Gesamtverzeichnis deutscher Lokomotiven

Teil1: Preußen bis 1906 (Band 2)

Verlag Schweers+Wall GmbH, Aachen, 1996

ISBN 3-921679-74-5 

There are existing lots of publications about the so called "Länderbahnen" (the predecessors of the German State Railway DRG), but only few of them deal with the Prussian State Railways (KPEV). And it is becoming even more difficult if you are searching for detailled information on the locomotive stock of these railways and the pre KPEV railways. Therefore Oskar Pieper already had the idea to create a publication on this stuff many years ago, but due to different problems (e.g. the creation of the ready layout) he didn't reach the state of the final publication, but collected lots of information for many years.

When he asked me at the end of the 80ies if I would like to together with him on a book on the KPEV I spontaneously agreed without really thinking of the amount of work which would be necessary. And it really was a lot of work (e.g. the manuscript was written on an Atari ST computer with a primitive word processor and the layout was created out of this text with a self written formatting program), but it has also been a lot of fun. Why? Well, working on a subject that wasn't dealt with in the past in something that is fun for a reseacher. And we found a lot of things that were still unclear and that could be clarified by checking different sources.

In principle the two books you see above are - at least if you look at the contents - only one book. But as it wasn't possible to put all these pages in one extremely thick book it was devided into two volumes. The first one contains the pre KPEV railways starting with the letters "A" to "O", while the second one consists of the remaining railways and the locomotives which had been delivered directly to the KPEV until 1906.

By the way - the year 1906 is a magical date for the KPEV. In that year all locomotives were renumbered according to a new numbering scheme. For reasons of necessary space these books contain the numbers til 1906 only (including the new number of 1906) - the number changes after 1906 and also all other details of the later fate of the locomotives shall be published in additional volumes. (These volumes are in principle ready, but due to a missing editor they hadn't been published yet.)

Both volumes are not available any more. But maybe you can find the books in some shops for used books. To create some interest in the subject, please find below some extracts from the books: